Maximize Focus

Stories and Tips from Hobbyist for Inspiration, Motivation & Conservation

JOM Day - Stop Changing Your Mind

We are really good at distracting ourselves, kings of procrastination, master of making excuses. When your mind is bored is when you start to focus on things you need to do. So here's some key tips:

  • stop using your phone, while you're trying to focus (put the phone in another room)

  • concentrate on one thing, jumping from task to task delays completion

  • warm-up when you start something new, it takes your brain 4-6 minutes to get ready

  • eliminate distractions - one perfect example is turn off (even remove) notifications

  • stop multitasking is impossible, you're just jumping back and forth that slows you down

Mother Teresa - Love is a fruit in season at all times and within reach of every hand.

JOM Tip - Squeeze My Bottle

I lazy and try to find the easiest way to do anything. That means being efficient when I'm doing feeding, watering or cleaning. When I first started keeping slings, I only had a couple slings - so...I cleaned out a eye drop and used that to drop water into a little water dish. It was a great idea. And I would only need to refill every couple weeks; so good enough. Then I got more slings, and had to fill up almost every other day.

500mL Squeeze Bottle - Equipment Tip

Time to figure out how to be lazy. I saw someone post about squeeze bottles; I tried the 250 or 300ml and it was a good size (so if you have smaller hands - perfect); but then I decided to use 500ml and this was a perfect fit; and I fill up 6 bottles that will last me thru a couple weeks. This leads me to 1,000ml - way too big; so I don't use this as often.

JOM News - Better Dogs than Me

First my smell is terrible, and not sure if you can ever get me to agree to smell dung and figure out if there's a disease in there. I can't even smell what I ate this morning.

However, dogs are serious off the hook with their sense of smell. From tracking lost hikers in the wood, finding drugs at the airport; and even awesome stories of dogs saving their caregivers warning on cancer. That's really so cool.I wonder if there could be a crime fighter that used the sense of smell, almost like Daredevil. Blind but with such a strong sense of smell, it's almost like he can see everything. Smell if people are telling the truth? Finding a criminal from across the city with his keen smell.

JOM Web - F'up and Figure It Out

Sadly, part of life is having (regrets) learning experiences; but that's how you learn. We worry about our kids, we worry about ourselves, we worry about our animals; that absolutely means we care. And caring also means mistakes.Thank you to Debra Wilson that was recently interviewed by Richard of The Tarantula Collective. On the interview, Richard mentioned he regretted doing some stuff at his early caretaking of his tarantula. And Debra made the most lovely comment, (my recollection) you should never be ashamed but embrace those experience and share with people what you did so they can grow the way you have grown.

If you have a "serendipitous" moment you like to share, reach out at

JOM Meme

Coffee shop owner teach rude customers manners.

Rowdy Roddy Piper telling Hulk Hogan "Add More Substrate"

  • Cool, Funny or Motivational Story to share?

  • Animal related meme?

  • Tips about caretaking of animals?

  • Need to vent?

  • Don't email me compliments, give me constructive criticism on how to improve.

Email me at

Fun Disclaimer: none of this is any sort of professional, financial or life advice. This newsletter is strictly a composition of random thoughts, and far from educational or used to make any kind of decisions. Please do your research and take our newsletter as feel good reminder to enjoy life, and always be kind.Take care of yourself, family, friends, animals and plants (not necessarily in that order), most definitely be kind to strangers and others (they might just be having a bad hair day).

Be nice (or shut up) to people, they might just be having a bad hair day.

This is "a Gentleman's Agreement" from me to you.If you enjoy this newsletter, and feel that someone you know might benefit from a good feel laugh or need motivation; do introduce "Beyond the Hobby" with them.

a Gentleman's Agreement - let's shake on it